Monday, April 25, 2011

The Latest Fence Installation: Prayer Flags

This flag installer doesn't look like the leader, more like a clown who was walking by and decided to get in on the action.


The clothes strips on the Esplanade Hotel site fence are prayer flags and have been attached to reflect on the original meanings of both Easter and Anzac Day and to bless the site and its future. The flags have a spiritual context and following completion of the installation words were spoken over the flags. Spokesmen for the group who attached the flags said any attempt to remove them would be considered “offensive and insulting.”

“Our group is responsible solely for the flags and any other attachments are the work of other, unaffiliated groups or individuals,” said the spokesmen. “Whether we agree with the perceived sentiments in other attachments, or not, we believe in the democratic spirit and all segments within the community to express themselves in a public forum.

“Given the fence has become a permanent fixture in the town and that many in the community have embraced it as a public forum it is up to the city’s leadership group to acknowledge this fact and allow continued expressions.”

Spokesmen said that China had allowed the residents of Hong Kong freedom of expression and that maybe the fence should be declared Albany’s “Hong Kong”.


  1. Sure looks a lot better than dirty old socks!! Hope they get to stay there a while

  2. Looked beautiful in the off-shore breeze this evening.
